Mass Effect Andromeda To Infinity and Beyond!

“While we aren’t ready to go into too many details just yet, as you saw in the trailer and can tell by the name, this game is very much a new adventure, taking place far away from and long after the events of the original trilogy. You will play a human, male or female, though that’s actually not the character you saw in the trailer (more on that later). You’ll be exploring an all-new galaxy, Andromeda, and piloting the new and improved Mako you saw. And through it all, you will have a new team of adventurers to work with, learn from, fight alongside of, and fall in love with.


EA introduced first her newest Mass Effect game at the E3 convention and gave us a taste of what it look and feel like exploring this whole new galaxy of Andromeda.

First things first, it looks vast! Huge planets with a variety of terrains, as well as new species to discover and fight. Many new organisations as well some old ones will be there to be lead or destroyed by you were hinted in the various posts and interviews on the web.


The new game takes place many years after the events of the first trilogy and the character shown in the trailer is not, I repeat, IS NOT the main character of the game. Little is known yet on that matter as well as for the main plot.
As for the release date EA stated the following:
“While we are still many months away from the game’s release date in holiday 2016”

Nonetheless enjoy the trailer for Mass Effect Andromeda! And may the Shepard be with you!

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